Retinette San Francisco Dawn III

Retinette San Francisco Dawn III

Can you live with it?

We live in a sea of photography. Every day a wave of tsunami proportions of new images washes over us. Every image creator competes fiercely for a few precious seconds of your eyeball time. Every new technique is done to death. To be heard you must shout!

I was reading a post by an Austin commercial photographer named Kirk Tuck. He has a good blog about photography in general and the post is here:

Basically, I think he is right. I think we are all sorely tempted to jazz up the “KERPOW!!” factor on our images.

But could we live with them?

One thing I find I have always striven for is “livable” images. If I were suddenly wealthy one of the first things I would do is have the best of my work printed mural size and fastened to my walls. I strive to make images that I could live with.

The above image is one of my recent favourites from a trip to San Francisco. I thought it was very liveable but it seems I was distracted by the lovely colours and tones. They had blinded me to the flawed composition. A few minutes at full screen were enough to tell me that. I had to fix it before linking to it here.

It takes an awful lot to make a good photograph and very little to ruin it. Maybe it is time to look at your own photographs again. Are you making photographs you could live with?